And that's a little bit like being in a start-up. Years are spent developing a product or a service with little or no media coverage. No one knows who you are. Sometimes you can't even share what you're doing with family or friends. With the RE:GEN much of this secrecy had to do with its innovative technology. Precision engineering a bike able to capture and convert human energy into electricity required a lot of experimentation and testing. It meant waiting until a patent could be filed before revealing our project. But things have been hush-hush for so long here at Energym that heading into our IndieGoGo launch on June 1st feels a bit like coming out of the cave and blinking into the sun. It's why we're thrilled that has nominated us as one of Birmingham's top information technology companies. We love getting a pat on the back. But what we love even more than that is being able to share what the RE:GEN can do. Energym Who? We're a precision engineering tech start-up based in Birmingham. Our CEO and founder created the company in 2017 to bring together his two passions: fitness and technology. There's a short video below introducing our team if you'd like to put faces to job titles. You can also find out more about us by following us on social media. What is the RE:GEN? The RE:GEN is an electricity generating indoor bike. It captures the energy created during a workout, converts it into electrical power and then stores it inside a portable battery unit. You can then use that electricity to charge your electronic devices. The average workout generates enough power to charge an iPhone 12 (or equivalent) fourteen times. But the RE:GEN is more than just its clean power generation. Thanks to the Energym app and to the company's partnership with Sweatcoin, the RE:GEN helps build better workouts for each individual user. The Ohm is the RE:GEN's battery. As well as storing kinetic energy it also turns into a personal power meter during each workout. Using a 5-colour zoning system it displays functional threshold power (FTP) so riders can see quickly and easily how they're performing. It uses digital resistance and is compatible with Zwift. Users will also earn Sweatcoins that they can then spend on rewards and discounts. Syncing the RE:GEN to the Energym app allows AI technology to build tailored workouts. And who doesn't want to make exercise to be more time and energy efficient? How can I reserve my RE:GEN? Head to our product pages for the RE:GEN for the home OR find out more about our commercial offerings, including the RE:GEN Studio for gyms. ENERGYM RE:GEN Please click here to secure your RE:GEN.