It's World Mental Health Day

It's World Mental Health Day! Employers prioritising well-being invest in the long-term success of their employees and businesses, and here's why: ✅...

It's World Mental Health Day! Employers prioritising well-being invest in the long-term success of their employees and businesses, and here's why:

✅ Increased Productivity: Employees who feel supported and have access to mental health resources are more likely to stay motivated and focused. One study by the University of Warwick found that when employees were happier, productivity increased by 12%, compared to a 10% decrease when they were unhappy. Exercise can also help. According to the World Health Organization, 2 hours of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week can improve thinking and memory skills.

✅ Higher Employee Retention: A healthy workplace culture reduces turnover by creating an environment where employees feel valued and respected. Naz Beheshti wrote for Forbes that 89% of workers at companies supporting well-being initiatives are likelier to recommend their company as a good workplace.

✅ Reduced Absenteeism: Addressing mental health challenges before they escalate can help reduce the number of sick days employees need to take and presenteeism. In a 2020 study, Deloitte found that for every £1 spent on mental health interventions, companies got £5 back in reduced absence and presenteeism and lowered staff turnover.

✅ Improved Team Morale: When openly discussed and supported, mental health fosters a more positive work environment, increasing collaboration and camaraderie. Shawn Achor, the best-selling author of ‘The Happiness Advantage’, writes that a ‘happy and engaged workforce’ is a modern company's greatest advantage.

🧠 It's time for workplaces to move beyond merely acknowledging mental health and implement tangible solutions. Here are some steps that can make a real difference:

👊 Flexible Work Hours: Offering flexible working hours allows employees to manage their time in a way that supports both their professional responsibilities and personal wellbeing.

👊 Employee Benefits: You can’t paper over significant workplace issues with free pizza and the odd yoga class, but employees appreciate rewards and incentives. This could be offering group activities for team building or giving employees access to discount schemes or memberships. It could be as simple as installing an ECO:POD with electricity-generating bikes. The wellness economy is booming in the UK, so there's a lot of choice. 

👊 Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs): Provide access to confidential counselling services or resources that can help employees manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

👊 Training for Managers: Equip leaders with the skills to recognise the signs of mental health struggles and offer appropriate support.

👊 Fostering a Culture of Openness: Encourage open conversations about mental health and remove the stigma of seeking help. When employees feel comfortable discussing their challenges, it creates a more inclusive and supportive environment.

Ready to energise your office and empower your team?

Discover how our ECO:POD can transform your office into a hub of wellness with electricity-generating bikes and relaxation zone, designed to boost both mental health and energy efficiency. See how your company can create a healthier, greener work environment today!




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