31% of Adults Don't Get Enough Exercise

31% of adults don't get enough exercise, according to a World Health Organization study published in the Lancet Global Health Journal. This puts...

31% of adults don't get enough exercise, according to a World Health Organization study published in the Lancet Global Health Journal. This puts individuals at increased risk of non-communicable diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and stroke.  

And this number is expected to rise to 35% by 2030. 

High-income western countries were found to be improving, but in other parts of the world, including high-income Asia Pacific, South Asia, and the UAE, had the highest rates of inactivity. Women were also found to be less active than men. 

“Physical inactivity is a silent threat to global health, contributing significantly to the burden of chronic diseases,” said Dr Rüdiger Krech, director of health promotion at WHO is quoted as saying in Health Club Management.

In a world where many people seek the magic bullet for a longer, healthy life, exercise can easily be overlooked. Research suggests that exercise could reduce your risk of death by 30%. It may also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's, depression, stress, several types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. It can also reduce the symptoms of mental health issues, such as low mood and anxiety, while improving sleep quality, circulation, and mobility. Exercising in groups as part of a class or team can also reduce feelings of loneliness. 

People are becoming less active in general for several reasons. Some of which reflect life’s modern conveniences. We can now do a lot more without leaving the house. Appliances and technology have made tasks like washing, drying, gardening, etc., less physically demanding. We can now order food from our phones. We can move heavy items by vehicle. Jobs are more knowledge-based, so we sit down to work. Relaxation is often sedentary, like watching TV or spending time on the internet. A lack of motivation and time to exercise are also common factors that make it difficult for them to stay consistent. For others, a bad experience at school with exercise can also contribute to a lack of desire to exercise. Poverty can influence someone’s ability to access services, and so can a lack of support for those struggling with chronic illnesses or disabilities. 

Exercise includes walking, skiing, football, and swimming. It's also gardening, skipping, rounders, dancing, hula-hooping, and more. If you're struggling to be more active, it's worth considering exercises and games beyond the usual suspects.   

According to Science News, even a few minutes of intense activity each day can yield significant results. This could be as simple as rushing for a bus, taking the stairs, or parking further away at shops. They also reported on a study that found women who walked more than 8500 steps a day were 66% less likely to die during the study than those walking 2500 a day.  

The WHO wants to make it easier for people to exercise by encouraging physical activity, including pavements and cycle lanes in town planning, and making it easier for people to access fitness and leisure services.This echoes what uk active is calling for. It wants the next UK Government to allow gyms and leisure facilities to support community mental health services, relieve pressure on the NHS, and become wellness centres where people can access services and support.   

We're about to open pre-orders for the electricity-generating RE:GEN fitness bike for the home. Find out more and register your interest today. 



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